Fwd: Fw: BX 464

Luminita Vollmer via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Mon, 11 May 2020 13:03:42 PDT
---------- Forwarded message ---------
From: Peter W <peterdwij@yahoo.com>
Date: Thu, Apr 30, 2020 at 9:28 PM
Subject: Fw: [pbs] BX 464
To: pbslv.xchange@gmail.com <pbslv.xchange@gmail.com>, <

Hi, Luminita,

Could you kindly send the following if available to:

Peter Wijeratne
2147 Trapani Circle
Monterey, CA 93940

*47. Romulea monadelpha *ex Annie’s Annuals - May 2019
56. Hippeastrum striatum “cianorte”
58. Clivia miniata “Sahin yellow” - April 2020
60. Massonia bredasdorprenis ex NARGS - March 2020
63. Ecrosia mirabilis - seeds started Oct 2019
67. Calochortus catalinae - 2019

Thank you,

----- Forwarded Message -----
*From:* Luminita Vollmer via pbs <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
*To:* Pacific Bulb Society <pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net>
*Cc:* Luminita Vollmer <pbslv.xchange@gmail.com>
*Sent:* Thursday, April 30, 2020, 04:08:32 PM PDT
*Subject:* [pbs] BX 464

Dear PBX Members and Friends,

Listed below are the items donated by our members and friends to be shared.

If you are interested in obtaining some of them, please send an email to
the address below:

pbslv.xchange@gmail.com <bulbexchange@gmail.com>

Avoid hitting the reply tab or you will reply to all PBS members by mistake.

Make sure you are a current member, only members can get shared items.

Hopefully you have no back invoices to be paid either.

Include "BX 464” in the email subject line.

Specify the item number that you want from the list and the botanical name.
If you want more than 10, please mark your 10 most wanted with an *.

Include your regular mail address so I can send your seeds and/or bulbs.

Included will be a statement of what you owe for the items and postage.
Please pay it promptly.

Donors will receive a credit on their order as specified by the PBX
Exchange information.

Right now there are complications with mail outside of US, cost to mail
into US is very high and out of US is questionable, as some of the
countries are closed to everything including mail.

I will reply to your email to confirm receipt.

Just letting you know I will not be using my phone to accept the xchange
emails! ;)

You have until Sunday May 3rd at 4pm CST  to order any xchanges.

*1. Acis autumnalis *ex Phil Adams *Nov. 2018*

*2. Albuca shawii *ex Annie’s Annuals - July 2019

*3. Babiana engysiphon *ex Silverhill Seeds 14472; Cederberg - August 2019

*4. Bessera elegans *ex Brent & Becky’s Bulbs - February 2019

*5. Ferraria crispa* (form A) ex PBS 430, #22 - May 2019

*6. Ferraria crispa* (dark form) ex PBS 430, #25 -May 2019

*7. Ferraria densepunctulata *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*8. Ferraria schaeferi* ‘Dark Chocolate’ ex Annie’s Annuals - May 2019

*9. Freesia alba *ex Bulbophile - June 2019

*10. Freesia fucata *ex Silverhill Seeds 11141; no field data - April 2019

*11. Freesia laxa *ex Bulbophile - June 2019

*12. Freesia refracta *ex Silverhill Seeds 4279; Robertson - *April 2019*

*13. Freesia sparrmanii *(not) ex Silverhill Seeds 2686; Swellendam - April

*14. Freesia verrucosa*ex Silverhill Seeds 13622; Langkloof - May 2019

*15. Geissorhiza aspera *ex Silverhill Seeds 1110; Cape Peninsula - April

*16. Geissorhiza corrugata *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*17. Geissorhiza splendidissima *ex Silverhill Seeds 1122; Namaqualand -
April 2019

*18. Geissorhiza tulbaghensis *ex Silverhill Seeds 1124; Tulbagh - April

*19. Gladiolus alatus *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*20. Gladiolus alatus *ex Silverhill Seeds 14469; Kamieskroon - May 2019

*21. Gladiolus alatus *ex Silverhill Seeds 1169; Malmesbury - April 2019

*22. Gladiolus carinatus *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*23. Gladiolus carmineus *ex Annie’s Annuals - May 2019

*24. Gladiolus ceresianus *ex Silverhill Seeds 14422; Cederberg - April 2019

*25. Gladiolus cunonius *ex Annie’s Annuals - *April 2019*

*26. Gladiolus floribundus *ex Silverhill Seeds 5390; Kleinmond - *June

*27. Gladiolus liliaceus *ex Annie’s Annuals - *April 2019*

*28. Gladiolus maculatus *ex Silverhill Seeds 3086; Bot River - *March 2019*

*29. Gladiolus meliusculus *ex Silverhill Seeds 4721, ex hort. - April 2019

*30. Gladiolus pulcherrimus *ex Silverhill Seeds 14459; Stellenbosch -
April 2019

*31. Gladiolus pulcherrimus *ex Bulbophile - May 2019

*32. Gladiolus scullyi *ex Silverhill Seeds 1212; Kamieskroon - May 2019

*33. Gladiolus uysiae *ex Silverhill Seeds 3879; no field data - April 2019

*34. Gladiolus virescens *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*35. Gladiolus virescens *var.* virescens *ex Silverhill Seeds 1223;
Namaqualand - April 2019

*36. Gladiolus watermeyeri *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*37. Gladiolus watermeyeri *ex Silverhill Seeds 3889; Nieuwoudtville -
April 2019

*38. Hesperantha bachmannii *ex Silverhill Seeds 1303; ex hort. - April 2019

*39. Ixia rapunculoides *var. *subpendula* ex Silverhill Seeds 13409; ex
hort. - April 2019

*40. Ixia* sp. ex Skyview Succulents - Feb./Mar./Apr. 2019

*41. Lapeirousia plicata *ex Plantae Novae - April/May 2019

*42. Melasphaerula graminea *ex Silverhill Seeds 1643; Citrusdal - April

*43. Moraea macrocarpa *ex Silverhill Seeds 1695; Rawsonville - April 2019

*44. Moraea macronyx *ex Bulbophile - April 2019

*45. Romulea diversiformis *ex Silverhill Seeds 3430; Namaqualand - April

*46. Romulea hantamensis *ex Silverhill Seeds 11395; Hantamsberg - August

*47. Romulea monadelpha *ex Annie’s Annuals - May 2019

*48. Romulea pearsonii *ex Silverhill Seeds 2188; Kamieskroon - April 2019

*49. Zephyranthes candida *ex C. Stars Nursery - November 2018

*50. Zephyranthes citrinus *ex Brent & Becky’s Bulbs - October 2019

51. Lilium formosanum - 2019 Fall

52. Hesperocallis undulata Ford Dry Lake - April 2020

53. Albuca sp.    (yellow and green) - April 2020

54. Narcissus tazetta mixex Bill Welch open polinated - April 2020

55. Veltheimia bractea

56. Hippeastrum striatum “cianorte”

57. Lithantus pusillus

58. Clivia miniata “Sahin yellow” - April 2020

59. Haemanthus albiflos - April 2020

60. Massonia bredasdorprenis ex NARGS - March 2020

61. Massonia echinata ex Silverhill seeds - March 2020

62. Massonia sp? ex BX202# 15 - March 2020

63. Ecrosia mirabilis - seeds started Oct 2019

64. Thalictrum thalictroides - Duluth, MN April 2020 ( bulbs)

65. Narcissus tazetta, Autumn colors - April 2019

66. Narcissus tazetta, 3N/4N - 2019

67. Calochortus catalinae - 2019

68. Calochortus venustus - 2019

69. Calochortus superbus - 2019

70. Calochortus luteus - 2019

71. Calochortus pulchellus -  2019

72. Dichelostemma multiflorum - 2018

73. Triteleia laxa - 2019

74. Triteleia ixoidies - 2019

75. Lilium phillipinense - 2019

76. Anredera cordifolia

Good luck!

Luminita Vollmer

PBS BX Director

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