Which Camassia Is This?

Robin Hansen via pbs pbs@lists.pacificbulbsociety.net
Thu, 21 May 2020 11:41:22 PDT
One of the reasons I'd say this photo of Judy's is cusickii is that the
flowers are densely held to the flower stalks and have a faint blue tinge.
I've had leichtlinii ssp leichtlinii blooming for weeks and the individual
flowers are well-separated and white with a yellowish-green tinge.  I've
been visiting a patch of quamash on Hwy 42 east of Myrtle Point and on the
western fringes but also somewhat intermingled are Zigadenus or whatever the
current name is.  See attached photo. I know I have photos of leichtlinii,
will keep looking.

Robin Hansen
Rain but more sun breaks
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