
Robin Hansen robin@hansennursery.com
Sun, 02 Feb 2020 07:08:59 PST
Hi, Chad,

""Is there any word on when we might “round up” Another BX”? I for one have material to donate whenever the time comes.""

The PBS Board is working on finding a new BX Director. I would expect we'll have a new director and new policies in place by the end of February.  The Bulb and Seed Exchange is such an important part of PBS that the Board is working on policies that will provide continuity regardless of who the director is.  At the same time, we want to make sure that anyone(s) who is in that position is not overwhelmed and overworked.

Expect to see a few changes, probably some designated times for donations, and expect some changes in applying for seeds and bulbs to make the process as fair to everyone as possible.  I know there have been complaints about not enough time to get in a request, so that will be extended.

I will try to give an update by mid-February so that members will have some idea of what to expect.  Don't hesitate to contact me or other board members directly if you have any questions.


Robin Hansen
President, PBS

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