Gethyllys import /season jet lag

Peter Taggart
Tue, 18 Feb 2020 08:26:42 PST
In the past I have imported young Gethyllys bulbs and other related genera,
from South Africa to the UK,  normally the young bulbs grow
opportunistically. However, it is important to allow the growth of the bulb
to dictate the cultivation. Do not assume that it wants drought, or lots of
water, until it behaves accordingly. Plant in mild, half shaded conditions,
until the bulb shows that it wants to grow. This can take any thing from a
few days up to a couple of years. Conditions should be moist enough for it
to grow if it chooses, or remain dormant without dessicating if it prefers.
Peter (UK)

On Tue, Feb 18, 2020, 4:01 PM Andrea Cattabriga <>

> I kindly ask if anyone from the Northern Hemisphere is familiar with
> importing bulbs from South Africa at this time. I am waiting for some 2-3
> year old Gethyllys which, presumably had to enter in vegetation within a
> month. In the past I have already lost some plants even if they were very
> young bulbs, just one year old. If there is any practice to ensure the
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