Bill the Bulb Baron

Vlad Volosciuc via pbs
Fri, 21 Feb 2020 10:22:39 PST

am lost... Is Bill not amongst us anymore? I really hope that is not true!

Sent from my iPhone XS

> On 21. Feb 2020, at 18:08, wrote:
> I heard this week that Bill Welch, AKA Bill the Bulb Baron, passed away at
> the end of 2019.
> Welch/obituary.html
> I hadn't seen Bill on this list recently, but he posted a lot in the past
> decade. Bill had a farm near Watsonville, CA, where he grew Narcissus
> hybrids and Amarygia. It sounds like he did a lot of work with Narcissus,
> but his posts here were mostly about his beloved Amaryllids. He had a wealth
> of knowledge and was always glad to share information. Thanks, Bill!
> From a post he made to the list in 2015:
> "Here on the coast near Watsonville, California, it is the most phenomenal
> bloom year I have ever had on the Amaryllis belladonna hybrids--10,000s
> blooming. And here I thought last year was outstanding!
> I attribute this abundance to the warming climate, all my bulbs are doing
> better than ever in the last 2-3 years.
> They did get a few waterings in the months after the rains quit around New
> Year's, but none after early April.
> I have also been seeing some of the deepest colors ever, as more of my
> crosses reach maturity. My season is also peaking now but still many more
> are emerging from the ground each day. It is a later and longer season than
> usual."
> Even though he was about an hour from my house, I never found the time to go
> over and look at those flowers. You always think there will be time next
> year.
> Mike
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