For those who are interested, here is what I have on heat tolerant lilies, unfortunately without any suggestions of sources: Heat tolerant Lilies L. alexandrae-Ryukuyus and a few other islands in southern Japan. 1-3' tall. Flower pure white, trumpet shaped, carried horizontally or slightly raised. Wants to grow steadily during winter. Has been hybridized with speciosum (Ruth Clas, Easter Bunny) (Judith Freeman in early 1970's with speciosum 'Shooting Star') and many more. Other hybrids with rubellum, nobilissimum, and 'Little Rascal'. Succeeding generations were very fertile. L. brownii, brownii australe L. bakerianum L. catesbaei--Florida swamp lily L. formosanum (from Formosa, now Taiwan) From sea level, a variety called "Wilsonii" to seven (10') feet and flowering late, an intermediate altitude, medium tall variety that flowers later, and a short variety from high altitudes called pricei 1-2', July, L. iridollae-Florida, etc USA-rare and probably not in commerce. L. longiflorum-Easter Lily-but, there are tall ones, short ones, diploids, tetraploids, earlier and later L. longiflorum and its near hybrids are widely grown commercially in subtropical climates-- Bermuda for instance was at one time the source of bulbs for the american forcing market. L. nepalense L. neilgherrense-from India, grows further south than any other lily? L. nobilissimum Ryukyu islands, Japan-upright to 3-4', with up to six pure white upright flowers on short stalks, to six in number. Seed germination is dalayed hypogeal. Very late flowering Native to cliffs, requires extreme drainage, very susceptible to Fusarium. Has been hybridizerd with alexandrae, auratum, speciosum, Pink Glory Str, Imperial Silver strain. Some hybrids are triploids, some diploids Taj Mahal is a hybrid of nobilissimum currently being offered by The Lily Garden L. michauxii, Carolina Lily. Native to Virginia to Florida to Alabama and Louisiana. L. philippinense-from Luzon province in the Philippines. Grows close to the sixteenth parallel. Flowers in July or August, to 3' tall. Close to formosanum. L. primulinum L. sulfureum L. wallichianum (beware this name in seedlists, it often disguises L. formosanum or something else) In Growing Lilies, by Derek Fox , p40 the list recommended for growing under glass: alexandrae arboricola (this lily probably not in cultivation) bakerianum (stoloniform bulb) brownii australe catesbaei iridollae longiflorum neilgherrense (stoloniform bulb) nepalense (stoloniform bulb) nobilissimum poilanei primulinum (stoloniform bulb) sulphureum wallichianum (stoloniform bulb) There are a number of lilies coming out of China now which may well be tolerant of higher temperatures. They are new and not being widely distributed yet, and which species, and details of cultivation are limited. nobilissimum hybrids such as Taj Mahal L. parryii is native, among other places, on Mount Lemon in Arizona, at high altitudes. At one time a member of the lily society grew lilies--mostly trumpet hybrids--in Texas. At one time a lily society member writing from South Africa reported that L. philipinense had become a weed in both Africa and Australia. _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…