Chinese Lilium identification

Jane McGary
Sat, 15 Jun 2019 18:00:19 PDT
Thanks! I expect this is it. One Chinese consonant is variously 
transcribed from the several Chinese languages as k and j (eg., 
Peking/Beijing), and I suppose the following "i" would affect what 
happens to it also. Curious that the placename shows up as Li Kiang; 
perhaps regional. Google needs to brush up on its Chinese phonology.

Jane McGary

On 6/15/2019 4:59 PM, Mary Sue Ittner wrote:
> Could it be this?
> Lilium lijiangense L.J.Peng
> Bulb subglobose, 2.5--4 cm in diam.; scales white, tinged purple, 
> lanceolate, 2.5--5 × 1--2 cm. Stem 55--60 cm, with purple spots or 
> streaks. Leaves scattered, elliptic, suboblong, ovate-lanceolate, or 
> lanceolate, 5--11 × 1.5--3 cm, 7--9-veined, axil with a cluster of 
> white hairs. Flowers solitary or 2--5 in a raceme, nodding, fragrant. 
> Tepals yellow, with purple or brown spots, oblong to lanceolate, 
> 4--4.5 × 0.8--1.5 cm, apex slightly papillose, revolute; nectaries 
> blackish or red, not papillose. Stamens diverging; filaments 2.5--3 
> cm; anthers ca. 7 mm. Ovary 7--10 × ca. 2 mm. Style 3--3.5 cm. Fl. 
> Jul--Aug.
> * 3300--3400 m. W Sichuan, NW Yunnan.
> On 6/15/2019 4:47 PM, Jane McGary wrote:
>> Lilium likiangense
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