?? small, tropical, evergreen bulbs

James Waddick jwaddick@kc.rr.com
Sun, 10 Feb 2019 14:06:23 PST
I was expecting Dennis Kramb to put in a word about miniature Gesneriads - especially tiny Siningia cvs. ( http://burwur.net/sinns/3mini.htm) and from there go to the home page for more info.

Some of these are quite easy in a closed terrarium. 		Jim W. 

On Feb 10, 2019, at 11:37 AM, design@moonwortstudio.com wrote:

Hi All.

I have a plant selection question. I have a special interest in houseplants and planted terrariums and for some of my designs I could really use short-statured lilies or similar plants. Most geophytes won't really work in these situations because of their dormancy cycles, but I wonder if there might any lesser known possibilities that are more likely to grow as evergreens and do well in more or less constant conditions(?).

I am familiar with Eucharis lilies, although I have not grown them, but the ones I have seen are rather big. Any other ideas?

Thanks for considering this!
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Dr. James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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