Species tulips

Hansen Nursery robin@hansennursery.com
Fri, 05 Apr 2019 07:18:59 PDT
I have Tulipa cretica from seed and find it quite charming, but not large.
Right now T. turkestanica is blooming so cheerfully and T. clusiana, T.
humilis alba coerulea oculata (stunning) and T. batalinii are either
blooming or will soon.  Some of these I have grown from seed, some I bought
from Brent & Becky's.  I'd say the quality is above average from B & B, but
will need to write as a batch of Scilla bifolia rosea turned up half pink
and half blue...  My greenhouse is full of blooming bulbs now, so much fun
with one last winter storm bearing down on us, full of high winds and lots
of rain.  In other words, very definitely STAY OFF THE BEACH, BEWARE OF
ROLLING LOGS weather. 

Bear in mind that our winter while colder than normal for weeks and weeks is
also now warmer than normal (what's normal?) for this time of year.
Whatever, the plants seem all to be quite happy with it.

Hansen Nursery

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