Mystery bulbous plant (Gianni Benetti)

Nicholas Plummer
Fri, 19 Apr 2019 04:14:37 PDT
Amusingly, my C. obliquus blooms beautifully,  but I have been completely unable to flower C. falcatus, even though it is well on its way to forming a nice clump.  It seems that these large Cyrtanthus have very idiosyncratic requirements.

C. herrei grows slowly (very slowly) but steadily for me, but it hasn’t flowered.

Nick Plummer
North Carolina, Zone 7

> On Apr 18, 2019, at 11:01 PM, Kipp McMichael wrote:
> I do not grow Cyrtanthus herrei but I have Cyrtanthus falcatus which, for me, is not particularly shy about flowering and multiplying. I grow a clump in a 5G plastic pot. I also struggle with Cyrtanthus obliquus - plants which, so far, do not thrive.
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