Chickweed has an appropriate name - it is a wonderful food for chicks, turkey poults and young seed-eating birds. I used to feed masses of it to canary pairs and they would feed broods of up to six youngsters with only the addition of some sieved hardboiled egg yolk! Probably few of us remember the days before commercial chick starters. Before this, it was chickweed or diced, scalded lettuce strips. People can eat chickweed, too: remember this if Society crumbles. So the name “chickweed” was just what it sounds like...a great food for chicks. -Cynthia Mueller Cynthia W Mueller > On Nov 12, 2018, at 11:43 AM, Rodger Whitlock <> wrote: > >> On 11/12/2018 04:00 AM, wrote: >> >> I thought all flowers have a story or cultural significance associated with >> them. For example, a red rose means love. > > You have thought wrong. Does the chickweed flower, for example, have some tale associated with it? > > Modern writers have grossly exaggerated just how prevalent this was, to the subtext "look how crazy those Victorians were!" > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > >… _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list…