bulb orders from big bulb companies

Anita aketcham@earthlink.net
Thu, 29 Nov 2018 08:56:04 PST
Fellow plant lovers,

On a happier note to share, I was looking for some of the more unusual Amaryllis Bulbs on the web and found a company called “ Easy to Grow” and took a chance on ordering a few fun varieties.  They were shipped within a week and they are the biggest, nicest bare root bulbs I have ever received through a mail order company!  

Happy growing,
Anita Ketcham
Zone 7a?
Cary, NC

Sent from my iPhone

> On Nov 28, 2018, at 11:01 PM, Kathleen Sayce <kathleen.sayce@gmail.com> wrote:
> If the group decides that it’s appropriate to name names, I will do so. For now, I will name the town:  Bantam.
> Responding to several comments:
> I garden in very sandy soil, so I do think most the bulbs will survive and in a year or two, voles and weather willing, perhaps thrive, despite being planted almost two months later than is optimal. Air temps are hovering between 40 and 55 most days, unusually (we are experiencing a late, very mild autumn);  soil temperature is still in the mid 40s. It’s not optimal, but there’s no snow, and no frost expected for another week or two. 
> I contacted this firm repeatedly about the timing, and was told off repeatedly; basically those responses stated that my requested shipping date of early October was not appropriate. Apparently they think they know more about my climate than I or other gardeners do.
> I was not the only person in my own community to have an order from this firm sent many weeks too late. Curiously, several people who had late orders (August/Sept) did receive their bulbs very quickly. If as Jane suggested, they use a zip code based algorithm to determine shipping times, it needs significant adjustment. 
> The most distressing part is the poor condition of the bulbs. As I mentioned before, if I want to buy poorly stored bulbs, any big box store can provide. That a major bulb supplier would do this is appalling. 
> I did write them a letter, and will be willing to share their response to this list. My intended future action is to not order bulbs from them again, which I stated in the letter, asking to be removed from their mailing list. 
> Kathleen
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