Germination & Bulbs, Stenomesson from seed

norton cuba melly
Sun, 12 Feb 2017 15:48:54 PST

All the seeds I have from plants come directly from the source, I´ve studied the phenology of most of plants from lomas ecosystem, so I know when they flower and when to collect seeds, I have to be very accurate because this plants only flower once a year. In case of Stenomesson flavum, its a 4 hour walk up the hill in the summer, between December and March in Lima.


From: pbs <> on behalf of Shaun Douglas <>
Sent: Sunday, February 12, 2017 2:06 PM
To: Pacific Bulb Society
Subject: Re: [pbs] Germination & Bulbs, Stenomesson from seed

Norton, could I ask where you bought the seed of Stenomesson????

iPhone 6

> On 12 February 2017 at 04:50, norton cuba melly <>
> wrote:
>> Hello everyone, my name is Norton. I´m a student of Environmental
>> Engineering in Lima - Peru, new to Pacific Bulbs Society. I'm currently
>> germinating native plants from an ecosystem called "lomas". Most of those
>> species are likely to disappear from anthorpogenic activities, growing
>> population, the lack of political will to preserve them  and lack of
>> knowledge of the people that live in big cities.  I´ll be posting a mail by
>> species, to not overwhelm you with information, I will be very thankful for
>> any information I can get from you. I will be also posting pictures on PBS
>> wiki.
>> Additional lnformation: About the ecosystem "lomas" : It goes along the
>> coast of Peru to the north of Chile., located in the desert, so it´s dry in
>> the summer, almost no vegetation, maybe cactus and trees, and in the winter
>> it goes up to 80- 100% of humidity in the air from the fog we get from
>> Humboldt´s current and the South Pacific High, the ground is cover by all
>> types of herbs & shrubs, and the sky is very cloudy almost every day, so
>> plants get about 5 months of water from June to October. The ecosystem only
>> goes from 100 to 1000 m.a.s.l.
>> I want to ask about the genus Stenomesson , so I´ve germinated 2 species ,
>> Stenomesson flavum and the other one I have yet to identify, with 100%
>> germination rate, the seeds are black & flat, like in Zephyranthes or
>> Hippeastrum. They flower in the summer when dry and the leaves come out in
>> winter when the ground is wet. To germinate, I float them for 24h and then
>> sow in a 4 inch pot with premix, that I cover with transparent plastic to
>> keep humidity, normally they start growing the root after 3 days. They only
>> grow one long leave, that gets wider when older. The light they get is from
>> a window sill, so I complement with CFL light bulbs, a mix of warm and cool
>> bulbs, since in Peru there are no light bulbs for plant growth
>> I had 2 issues:
>> Roots are long so they go against the bottom of the pot and i have kept
>> them wet for 5 months and the bulbs have only grown the size of a pinky
>> nail. . Is there any advice I can get to grow them better? Deeper pots,
>> organic fertilizers ??
>> Ps: This work is mainly to guarantee the conservation of native species.
>> Im not interested in exchanging seeds or bulbs. What I will exchange is
>> knowledge and pictures.
>> Best regards
>> Norton
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