Introduction and Lycoris Hybrid Sourcing

Tony Carter
Sun, 12 Feb 2017 08:45:49 PST
Hi everyone!  My name is Tony.  I joined after finding your web resources the single most helpful resource when I began germinating my own seeds this year.  I've had a lot of success with most of them so far and I'm thankful to those that put that resource together.  

My favorite bulb the last few years has been Lycoris and I would like to know if anyone here knows where I might find hybrids (esp. blue pearl or another blue).  I grew up here in Texas with the common radiata in my garden.  This year I finally moved somewhere that I could garden again and started looking for varieties of Lycoris.  I have found the hybrids very difficult to source.  Edensbloom had a great offering this year that I found just a little too late and PlantDelights has a couple but that is all I have found.  


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