Albuca spiralis

Toni Rizzo
Thu, 28 Dec 2017 14:03:45 PST
First I want to say that I’m a new member, actually a returning member after lapsing many years ago. I love bulbs of all kinds but am most interested in South African bulbs, including Albuca, Haemanthus, and Massonia. I’ve had an Albuca spiralis for almost a year. It went dormant last summer, so I stopped watering it. I’ve read that these can rot very easily if watered during dormancy. In about late October it started growing again and now the leaves are about 5 inches tall and are starting to “spiral” at the tops. It has not bloomed yet. I also have Albuca namaquensis which also went dormant in the summer but has not awoken yet. It’s still alive and I give it a little water occasionally. I have also just sowed A. namaquensis seeds. And I have A. setosa, which never went dormant so I kept watering, although sparingly in the summer. It bloomed profusely last winter and early spring but has not yet bloomed this year. It has grown and produced many offsets. I keep all my albucas in an unheated greenhouse also full of succulents and cacti on the northern California coast.

Toni Rizzo

> Today's Topics:
>   1. Albuca spiralis (Hansen Nursery)
>   2. Re: Albuca spiralis ( <>)
>   3. Re: Albuca spiralis (Hansen Nursery)
>   4. Re: Albuca spiralis ( <>)
>   5. Re: Albuca spiralis ( <>)
>   6. Re: Albuca spiralis (Mike Rummerfield)
>   7. Re: Albuca spiralis (Garak)
> ----------------------------------------------------------------------
> Message: 1
> Date: Wed, 27 Dec 2017 15:07:03 -0800
> From: "Hansen Nursery" < <>>
> To: "Pacific Bulb Society" < <>>
> Subject: [pbs] Albuca spiralis
> Message-ID: <001c01d37f67$694428f0$3bcc7ad0$ <mailto:001c01d37f67$694428f0$3bcc7ad0$>>
> Content-Type: text/plain;	charset="us-ascii"
> I was given an Albuca spiralis 'Fizzle Sizzle' months ago and thought I was
> doing the right thing..  I kept it on the dry side (but not totally dry) in
> my propagation house which gets mostly full sun.  It produce a flower stalk
> which didn't progress but slowly so I brought it into a west-facing window
> in a house that varies from 60-70 degrees.  I watched it and much more
> quickly it appeared that the flowers would be opening within a few days but
> all the leaves died and the flower stalk was leaning. I touched the stalk
> and it was not firm, felt loose and I observed mold so I tugged gently and
> it came away in my hand and was clearly rotting, so I cut off the bad part
> and stuck it in a glass of water.  Then discovered the bulb had completed
> rotted.
> I can't find any but the most general cultural information which doesn't
> help me.  Does anyone grow this and if they do, may I please have some
> advice on keeping them alive?  I was so looking forward to flowers because
> it's reputed to have a wonderful scent!!!!
> Robin Hansen
> Hansen Nursery
> <>
> Southwest coast of Oregon where it's finally raining!
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