Tomcats in House and Garden

Judy Glattstein
Fri, 04 Nov 2016 17:49:20 PDT
Tomcats will roam looking for a lady friend. They spray indoors and out 
- very odoriferous - to mark territory. They will fight with other 
tomcats. The resulting abscess necessitates a vet visit, antibiotics, 
unhappy cat, unhappy owner.

Neutering is a very minor operation for tomcats. Can be done when cats 
reach 2 pounds. They remain calm, are loving pets, don't wander or fight 
or spray. (Queens can be spayed at same weight, but surgery is more 
complex. Queen no longer squalling for a tomcat to come visit and 
subsequent unwanted kittens who need a loving home.)

My cats are now indoors only. When I had indoor / outdoor cats the most 
common prey were voles, mice, chipmunks, baby rabbits, very very rarely 

Judy in New Jersey where weather is wobbling from chilly windy days with 
close to freezing nights and two days later rebounding to high 60s 

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