Off Topic maybe

James Waddick
Fri, 18 Nov 2016 11:10:08 PST
Dear PBS ers,

	My last note got no replies. Hard to believe NO ONE grows Allium chinese.

	This time I have a question regarding an Oxalidaceae : Biophytum.  This is a terrarium weed and common in semitropical moist gardens. Looks like a tiny palm tree.

	Does any one grow any species? The most common is B. sensitive. I’d like to get a couple seedlings for my terrarium. I’d repay postage if any one has spares. 

		Thanks		Jim W. 

or any species of the genus.

Dr. James Waddick
8871 NW Brostrom Rd
Kansas City, MO 64152-2711
Phone     816-746-1949

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