Romulea repotting

Hansen Nursery
Wed, 16 Nov 2016 07:48:25 PST
"I have the repot about Dozen pots of different South African Romulea
Seedlings started last January in 21/4" x 31/4"rose pots. My question is how
deep do pots the pots need to be to grow these to maturity. The seedlings
are quite root bond now in wet turface and some organics."

Rimmer raises a question that came up when I was potting Romuleas earlier
this fall.  I'd also like to know the answer.  So far I've just put them in
about 1/2 to 1 inch below soil level but have no idea if that's good.  I'll
usually put 3 bulbs in a 3 to 4-inch Gage pot.

Robin Hansen

19 inches in October and counting...
Southwestern Oregon on the coast

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