Seed Exchanges and seed identifications

Tue, 29 Mar 2016 14:27:10 PDT
I commend the PBS  and David Pilling for their efforts to assist people 
to better manage their seed collection and preparation habits.
We have videos from Jonna Sudenius on seed collecting shared on the main 
SRGC seed exchange area of the website.

As the person who is usually the first port of call for SRGC members at 
seed exchange time, I would say that impatience and rudeness can 
sometimes be
very distressing to the volunteers doing their best to serve their 
fellow members.

The SRGC "rates" the quality of seed donations so that anyone trying to 
improve their chance of  getting higher up the distribution process by
submitting  weedy  species  or dirty seed will find themselves 
unsuccessful in that aim. We have our forum where anyone can report 
problems with seed ID etc, of course.

I have already posted about a seed germination reporting system that 
was  prepared and  shared with SRGC by  Erik Fleischer - I commend it to 
you, too -
all submissions are welcome  ( )

There is also a section for photographs of germinating seedlings - which 
can be of use to those wondering if they are growing the "correct" plant :

For some time now  there has been a section of the  Scottish Rock Garden 
Club forum where  registered forumists can post photos of seed they know 
to be  correctly
  named in order to build a resource to help with ID of seed  for all.  
The  system is searchable  and now contains nearly  900 entries.
David Pilling has been one of the contributors!
You can see the thread  here :

Of course, all these initiatives are only useful if people take the time 
and effort to get involved and help out by submitting there information, 
pictures or whatever - your assistance is welcomed!

Maggi Young

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