Cutworms and bulbs

Travis O
Mon, 21 Mar 2016 13:51:31 PDT
Hi Jane,

Along with the suggestion of predatory nematodes, I have a few suggestions if you'd prefer to use less chemicals. If you go the route of predatory nematodes, refrain from fertilizers for weeks before and after you apply the nematodes as the nitrogen and salts will kill them. Organic slow release fertilizers, like kelp meal, would be fine, or anything less than 10-10-10 on the NPK scale should be safe for the nematodes.

Alternatively, you can try introducing predatory wasps (very tiny, harmless to people) into your greenhouse. They'll attack the cutworm eggs.

For example:…

However, I encourage you to photograph one of these cutworms and have it ID'd ( is great) so you can find out about it's life cycle. Most cutworm species have two to three generations per year, and knowing when they lay eggs is important.

Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR

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