The Beginner’s Guide to Bulb Gardening

Travis O
Tue, 15 Mar 2016 14:33:33 PDT
Except for the occasional mass of "king Alfred"-like yellow trumpets, there are few people who plant bulbs where the public can see. I am one of them, but that's mainly because we live at a distance from the street.
A lot of bulbs blooming today:
This includes various daffs, some of the scillas, and a few others. It seems to be a poor year for nonnative bulbs, but the native plants here are appearing like they will have the best bloom in several years. Erythronium, Arbutus, Arctostaphylos... All are budding like crazy or already blooming. There is already a sweet scent in the air from the Arbutus (madrone) even though they are only in bud, the scent when the flowers open travels for many yards (aka meters).
-Travis OwenRogue River, OR 		 	   		  

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