Hi, This question is relevant to the recent thread about seed exchanges. Rimmer deVries wrote to me and a number of others hoping to identify a Romulea he grew from the BX received as Romulea monticola, a species from South Africa with yellow flowers. The flowers on his plants are pink. I looked up the source and it was Jim Waddick from leftover seed from SIGNA. Rimmer wondered if it could be Romulea engleri, a species from northwest Africa. Lauw de Jager thought that identification was correct, but there are a lot of romuleas and many of them cannot be distinguished from the color and size of the flowers. Some have leaves that are distinctive, and in the case of the South Africa species, corms, bract, and bracteoles are often important in telling species apart. Having discussed identification of Italian species with Angelo sometimes anthers and stigmas matter as well. As morphology becomes less important with dna being a determining factor I don't know how we are going to figure out what we have so we can communicate. Rimmer's photos look a lot like the very weedy form of Romulea rosea which was once known as var. australis because it has become widespread in Australia. It also is common in New Zealand and more and more evident in California as well. I expect it is often donated to seed exchanges. Does anyone have access to a key of all the Romulea species which might help tell the difference between the South African species and species from other parts of Africa and Mediterranean areas? David Pilling has added Rimmer's photos to the wiki Mystery Bulbs page. If there is consensus that what he is growing is Romulea engleri his photos would probably get moved since the wiki has only a very small photo of that species. It would also be helpful to have more information about that species to add to the wiki. http://pacificbulbsociety.org/pbswiki/index.php/… Here is the description of Romulea rosea var. australis from the DeVos Romulea book: Corm with hard outer tunics and bent teeth at the base leaves 1 to 2.5 mm, generally compressed cylindrical, with rather wide grooves, usually spreading, each rib with a prominent vein and slender lateral veins. Peduncles 3-8 mm long, flowers 15 to 22 mm, up to 5 mm Perigone tube 2 to 3.5 mm long, segments up to 4 mm wide, subacute, pale lilac-pink with usually a pale yellow cup, outer segments on the backs yellowish green or with 3 to 5 dark longitudinal stripes stamens 7 to 9 mm long, pale yellow, reaching halfway or higher up the perigone style 7 to 10 mm long, stigmas not overtopping the anthers Mary Sue