Vivian My daughter moved to the school in Milton this fall. My husband and I try to be closer to her until she graduate. She is still 14years old. Then we might move back to California. We visited Milton in Sep. and Oct. Enjoyed Beautiful autumn color and. a flower show. Your area has four seasons. We have three seasons, no winter. Day time is getting longer day by day, and more flowers in bloom. Makiko Sent from my iPhone > On Jan 16, 2016, at 12:07 PM, Vivien Bouffard <> wrote: > > Arnold is quite right, Makiko, and there's no question of growing S. > maderensis outside year-round here. So you're moving here? I hope you like > it - many Californians have trouble with the change in climate. This year, > perhaps because it is an El Nino year, we are having quite a mild winter. > We're inclined to think we deserve a break after last year's horror show, > but we're also remembering that that horror show didn't start until > February, so we shall see. I like it here, winters and all. > > > > Vivien > > Norwood, MA Z6 > > > > <<Scilla bulbs bloom outdoor in your area? We plan to move to your area next > summer. > > > > Makiko > > Southern California>> > > > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > >