Seeds germinating, second year bulbs (happiness)

Fred Biasella
Sun, 24 Jan 2016 10:19:00 PST
Hi Travis,

CONGRATULATIONS!!!!! Isn't it such a wonderful feeling when you grow
something from seed and it flowers? I share your enthusiasm because I have
some clivia flowering for the first time (seed sown in 2008) and it does
give you a great sense of accomplishment!!!

Warm Regards,

-----Original Message-----
From: pbs [] On Behalf Of Travis O
Sent: Sunday, January 24, 2016 1:02 PM
Subject: [pbs] Seeds germinating, second year bulbs (happiness)


This is a very exciting time of year for me, because it is the time many of
my seed pots start to show signs of growth. Seeing something I've sown
germinate for the first time is almost better than the flowers they produce
(because it means I didn't kill them!)

Iris chrysophylla is germinating en masse, although I was told some time ago
by an "expert" that germ rates were low. I have near 100% germ! It was
surface sown and left outside under an old window to prevent mechanical
damage from rain (as happened last year).

Erythronium oregonum is the first of the fawn lilies to break the seed coat,
with hendersonii close behind. The latter is native here, so I should expect
good germ there. Both sown as the Iris above.

Pseudomuscari azureum and Dichelostemma capitatum are both germinating, too.
Neither is particularly showy unless mass planted, but I like them anyway.
Seed of both surface sown and left out.

Narcissus seed collected from my own bulbs are germinating, my attempt to
raise a strain that is best adapted to my garden. Second year seedling bulbs
are also appearing. Seed was sown 1/2" deep and left out.

Other second year bulbs are coming up in pots. Chlorogalum from seed
collected in the area two years ago are appearing like clockwork, the wild
plants that created the seed are likewise breaking the soil surface.

Also, arguably not a bulb in any way,  a native Delphinium (probably D.
nuttallianum) is showing up again. It is in it's second year of growth, the
first years' appearance was so brief I thought I killed them. The leaves are
tiny compared to the mature plants, yet they have the characteristically
palmate divided leaves.

I am growing a variety of questionably hardy seeds under lights on my
covered porch. These tend to be species which don't require a cold period
and germinated over a month ago. These include Toxicoscordion fremontii, a
few Alliums, Arisaema heterophyllum, Crocus goulimyi, and a few others I'm
forgetting. Barnardia japonica seed sown last Autumn still shows no signs of
growth, so I requested bulbs from the recent BX anyway. Hopefully the seeds
will germinate and I'll get a dozen bulbs to play with.

Question: My Arisaema heterophyllum is dying back now, is this typical?
Should I let the pot dry out a bit?

(Completely unrelated to bulbs, but somewhat comparable to germination, our
due date for the birth of our second daughter is in the beginning of March,
which obviously dwarfs anything to do with anything else anywhere! It's
going to be epic, just wanted to share that!)

Anyone else have seed successes/failures to share?

Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR

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