Ian Young's Bulb Log and Erythronium compilation

Jane McGary janemcgary@earthlink.net
Tue, 05 Jan 2016 18:41:08 PST
Some people interested in Erythronium think that the narrow endemic 
Erythronium elegans arose as a hybrid of E. montanum and E. oreganum. I 
don't know whether this view is still widely held.

Jane McGary
Portland, Oregon, USA

On 1/5/2016 6:10 PM, Gordon Hogenson wrote:
> I love the Erythronium book!  Beautiful and helpful photos and interesting information in each installment.
> The comments about E. montanum were interesting - Ian says he started seed of this species from multiple sources and collected seed, eventually producing a strain that was adapted to the local conditions. This is something I hope to do as well, but I'm worried about the issue of cross-pollination with other Erythronium?  In general, I have heard that Erythronium cross easily, although I don't know if this applies only to closely related species.  I don't know what species will cross with which other species, or if all of them will potentially cross-pollinate.  Did Ian hand-pollinate the montanum strains, or otherwise isolate them?
> Gordon

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