I got 10 seeds from Silverhill in (northern hemisphere) spring 2014. I stored them in my refrigerator until fall 2014. I planted them in sand in foam cups 3" tall and 6" deep (7.5 x 15cm.) All 10 grew well through winter 2014-15. They went dormant as the weather warmed. I decided to leave them outside during summer 2015. I kept them in my carport, some 6 feet / 1.75m from the dripline and well away from the spot rain normally drains, to keep them from summer watering. Temperatures in the shade ranged up to 115F / 45C. During one extremely strong downpour rain cascaded off my entire roof and splashed well into the carport, soaking all the bulbs in containers summering there. This fall 4 of the plants sprouted and are growing. This is the first time I have had any survive their first summer. In times past I kept the dormant containers inside the house. I don't know whether the one rain soaking was responsible for some surviving, or the higher dormancy temperatures. Leo Martin Phoenix Arizona USA