
Mike Rummerfield
Sun, 24 Jan 2016 16:46:48 PST
I'm not an expert, but my understanding is that leaf variegation in Clivia
can show up on the very first leaf and develop further, but it can also
take years before it seems to spontaneously manifest.  Also, here is a
quote from The Clivia Forum:  "We have found in the past that variegation
does seem to change over time. We have had fully variegated plants go to
plain green and the reverse happen as well where green plants have started
growing out variegated so this is quite normal."

I hope that makes it perfectly clear. [image: :laugh:]

For those not yet bitten by the Clivia bug (resulting in Clivia Fever),or
for those merely curious, here is an edited post I placed on The Clivia
Forum ( - a very good forum) on what you can
expect if you succumb:

As a new member, just a note of warning:  I went to my doctor (a specialist
in Cliviopathy) today with a fever.  He diagnosed it as Clivia Fever and
said there is no known cure for it.  It can lead to fits of delirium;  to
heightened states of grandiosity when you are convinced, absolutely
convinced, that you have just hybridized the greatest Clivia of all time;
 to sudden outbursts of uncontrollable, ecstatic dancing (especially at
'first bloom');  to the incessant checking in on your plants a multitude of
times during the day, and in advanced cases, during the night ("Let's
see... it's been *at least* 3 or 4 minutes since I last checked this one...
I think I see.... well, maybe not...wait... do I detect the tiniest bit of
growth?... OH, JOY!!!")  and to uncontrolled hoarding, when, beyond all
reason, you collect and grow more Clivia than you have space, energy, or
time for.  This can lead to further complications - consult your doctor.

It is contagious and I fear there are others in the Forum, beside myself,
who suffer from (or rejoice in) this malady, knowingly or not.  Though to
be fair to all, I suspect I was blighted with Clivia Fever before I joined
the Forum.  I repeat, there is no known cure.  Be forewarned!

Should you develop a case of Clivia Fever (almost inevitable) do not expect
sympathy or anything other than bewilderment and clucks from friends and
family.  You will only be understood by other Clivia enthusiasts, with whom
you can commiserate.  Take heart!

Anonymous (for obvious reasons)

Note:  there are never anonymous posts.


On Sun, Jan 24, 2016 at 1:26 PM, Robin Graham Bell <> wrote:

> Who would have known? All these clivia addicts hiding in plain sight,
> among bulbophiles…. me too, altho maybe still curable since so recently
> bitten. I think the seedlings have, at most, 6-7 leaves from a 2014 sowing
> of seeds given to me but originating from a Japanese hybridizer, Sasaki.
> The only reward so far is that one seedling from a cross featuring a
> variegated parent is also variegated, but only 1 out of 5 seedlings, so
> far. Does anyone know whether variegation is manifested later in growth or
> early?
>         Cheers,
>         Robin Bell, Medford OR zone 7/8
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