Summer Albuca

Nhu Nguyen
Tue, 09 Feb 2016 10:35:35 PST
Albuca tortuosa is one of my favorite summer growing species. It's mostly
evergreen, produces yellow, somewhat fragrant flowers. It can get large,
but not unruly. It almost fits into Uli's criteria of a perfect Albuca for

Monica, I have had success pollinating this species. I used the microwave
method, taking off a little pollen, microwaving it for 15 seconds, then mix
with fresh pollen and pollinate several times throughout the lifespan of
the flower. It made pods and now I have a near mature few plants. I
recorded that success on the wiki page:…


On Tue, Feb 9, 2016 at 1:57 AM, Brian Whyer <>

> Albuca nelsonii is easy here (UK). Large  clumps of scaly bulbs, succulent
> foliage and flowers stems 2-3' tall. Pendant flowers, white and green, with
> a strong scent. Almond like from memory, or maybe cyanide like if you are a
> chemist. Increases far too readily for me as I can't get rid of them and
> have too little room that is frost free.
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