Hi Uli, Albuca shawii, in case you haven't tried it, is perfectly winter hardy, it grows outside here with no issues even though the bulbs do not go deep. Some other summer growing ones (may or may not be on the list) would be humilis, setosa, and also the 3 near relatives in the former genus Galtonia (some lump all of the Albucas, Galtonias, and Ornithogalums into Ornithogalum) and Ornithogalum saundersoniae, which makes a great summer pot plant and likes to be bone dry inside during the winter. Most Albuca spp are winter growing from the Cape, some are evergreen like batteniana. Ernie DeMarie Briarcliff Manor NY USA where we had light snow and are expecting an arctic blast this weekend that may send us into single digit (F) territory at night for the second time this winter, which otherwise hasnt been that bad. Unfortunately we are not getting snow cover before such drops. Nonetheless I saw a couple of Eranthis and a yellow crocus in my gardens this past week. -----Original Message----- From: Johannes Ulrich Urban <johannes-ulrich-urban@t-online.de> To: Pacifib Bulb Society messages <pbs@lists.ibiblio.org> Sent: Mon, Feb 8, 2016 6:31 pm Subject: [pbs] Albuca Dear All, When I looked through the new SX-5, therer are quite a few Albuca seeds on offer. I like Albuca but I cannot handle winter growing/flowering ones. I took quite some time to look up the names given but the pictures that appear in the internet are often so very different for the same species that the identity of the plant cannot be found. And most of the time the growth pattern is not even mentioned. Even the origin often does not help with the very diverse South African Climate. So, can those who donated seed perhaps advise and help me which ones on offer would be summer growing ones? Which colour the flowers would have? Or which ones I should try to find? I grow and like A. shawii/tenuifolia which is a very nice plant. (An evergreen plant with summer flowers would be a compromise, I have sent in seeds of a tall white one of that evergreen kind I do not know the identiy of) My "Dream-Albuca" would be a yellow flowering tall (taller than A. shawii) summer growing one with a dry winter dormancy. To add an extra bonus scent would be appreciated. Is there such perfect thing? Uli