
Johannes Ulrich Urban
Mon, 08 Feb 2016 13:03:35 PST
Dear All,

When I looked through the new SX-5, therer are quite a few Albuca seeds 
on offer. I like Albuca but I cannot handle winter growing/flowering ones.
I took quite some time to look up the names given but the pictures that 
appear in the internet are often so very different for the same species 
that the identity of the plant cannot be found. And most of the time the 
growth pattern is not even mentioned. Even the origin often does not 
help with the very diverse South African Climate.
So, can those who donated seed perhaps advise and help me which ones on 
offer would be summer growing ones? Which colour the flowers would have? 
Or which ones I should try to find? I grow and like A. shawii/tenuifolia 
which is a very nice plant.
(An evergreen plant with summer flowers would be a compromise, I have 
sent in seeds of a tall white one of that evergreen kind I do not know 
the identiy of)

My "Dream-Albuca" would be a yellow flowering tall (taller than A. 
shawii) summer growing one with a dry winter dormancy. To add an extra 
bonus scent would be appreciated.

Is there such perfect thing?


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