Colchicum cilicicum blooming, others failing

Travis O
Sun, 20 Sep 2015 20:52:54 PDT

This year C. cilicicum is the first and last to bloom because no others have decided to bloom. Last year it was also the first and last to bloom due to the long bloom period in my garden; the others sent up fewer flowers. C. cilicicum has been blooming for over two weeks now and is still sending up new buds.

Colchicum 'Lilac Wonder' and C. speciosum are the other two I have. 'Lilac Wonder' is basically a speciosum hybrid based on my research. Neither performed well in leaf and when I dug a corm just recently it had shrunk dramatically from the size it was when I planted it. Not sure what happened there.

Travis Owen
Rogue River, OR

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