This was a common roadside flower when I was living in Alpine, TX, which is between 4,000-5,000 feet in elevation. It will take considerable dry cold when dormant. I need to find out if it can withstand Yuma's heat! :-) Shawn Pollard Yuma, AZ -------------------------------------------- On Sun, 9/6/15, Jim McKenney <> wrote: I had a nice surprise waiting for me this morning out on the deck: Ipomoea lindheimeri has started to bloom. This is from seed provided by Uli Urban from BX 357.The 3" pale blue flowers seem huge for the size of the vine: this will make a good pot plant.I wonder: how cold hardy is this one? Jim McKenneyMontgomery County, Maryland, USA, USDA zone 7, where the first colchicums of the season are starting to bloom.