sending money in the mail

Tue, 29 Sep 2015 17:02:34 PDT

I'm feeling a bit that this is going to the entire list and is not
bulb-related. I usually go to Snopes to check out factual info. All those
1, 5, 10, and 20 dollar bills would not be allowed to be mailed in birthday
cards (with most of the US committing a crime as a result). It is, as
stated, that you can't send cash for a prohibited purpose, such as
lotteries, or cash laundering.

Well, it is bulb related, since the money I was planning to send was for bulbs. Overseas, which makes a difference. 
(I needed to send some extra money since the bank charges for my check were higher than usual.)
Can’t find anything about Priority International Express, but USPS Publication 141, relating to Global International Express, prohibited items, number 15, currency and cash. (You can’t send disinterred corpses either.)
Apparently the simplest thing is a wire transfer (costs extra, but whatever), which I have never done, preferring to send a check instead. 
Bob Nold
pbs mailing list

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