Moraea villosa corms

Sarah Hinckley
Thu, 30 Apr 2015 21:29:00 PDT
Thanks a lot Mike!


On 4/29/2015 8:59 AM, Michael Mace wrote:
> Sarah wrote:
>> I just received some small corms of Moraea villosa from the BX.  Can you
> please advise me on the best way to treat them now (Seattle spring), until
> they start into growth in the fall?
> I think they don't need to be potted right now. Don't bake them in the sun,
> but it's safe to leave them in a cool dry place and pot them up in late
> September or so, when you can start watering them.
> If you do pot them up now, make sure the soil is completely dry, otherwise
> the corms could suffer from mildew.
> Once they start growing they'll need a lot of light and good variation
> between daytime and night-time temps (when I grow them here they go from the
> 40s F or lower at night to the 60s F or higher during the day). They'll
> tolerate light frost overnight but not a prolonged freeze.
> Have fun with them!
> Mike
> San Jose, CA
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