Bulbous Corydalis species

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Tue, 09 Jun 2015 13:18:52 PDT
I sympathise!
The nature of what he terms "western woodlanders" is very different to some
of the central asian species. I have little time to hand pollinate, but I
do always buy two or more clones if I can. If you can obtain seeds from Jan
Jilik you may get something interesting, but you need to get seeds from the
northern hemisphere quickley at this time of year, if you want decent

On 9 June 2015 at 21:10, Robin Hansen <robin@hansennursery.com> wrote:

> I have Ruksans' book on bulbs and I've spent hours drooling over the
> incredible number of corydalis, so all I know is that I want to try more...

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