Thanks Lee, Keep us informed regarding any plans for the 8 or 9. Karl Church On Jun 25, 2015 1:58 PM, "Lee Poulsen" <> wrote: > If any of you are interested, Mauro Peixoto who runs the > website of photos and sells seeds of all kinds of native Brazilian plants > including a lot of geophytes, has been sponsored by some gesneriad people > to come speak in Northern California on July 4 and in Southern California > on July 10. His talks will of course be gesneriad-oriented (although there > are a number of gesneriads that form tubers), he told me he will be more > than happy to meet bulb people and talk about bulbs, both Brazilian and > otherwise, at either event. (He told me to warn you that there will only be > 2 Amaryllids in each presentation, Worsleya and one Hippeastrum!) > > He is also planning on visiting the Huntington Gardens on one of his days > down south. He's hoping it's either July 8 or 9. We will try to organize a > get-together for that as well. > > Details for the two presentation are as follows: > > July 4, 10:30-11:30 am at the Gesneriad Convention at the Marriott Oakland > City Center, 1001 Broadway, Oakland CA 94607 > > July 10, 7:30-9:00 pm at the South Bay Begonia Society meeting at Dana > Middle School Auditorium, 5504 W. 135th St., Hawthorne, CA (Donation $5.00) > > I got to visit Mauro several times while working on a project in Brazil a > couple of years ago, and he is (as many plant people are) one of the > coolest people. He took me on some quick hikes to various areas near his > home and down at the coast to look at various cool native plants (including > various Alstroemeria species and we even found a Hippeastrum reticulatum > var striatifolium in a coastal forest not more than 500 yards from the > Atlantic Ocean), and a longer trip to Harri Lorenzi's absolutely beautiful > botanical garden Jardim Botânico Plantarum where I got to see some > Griffinia unlike any that I've seen or seen photos of elsewhere. And his > shadehouses are packed full of the most amazing collection of geophytes and > plants from all over Brazil. (In particular, Hippeastrums, Griffinias, > Worsleyas, and Neomaricas.) Neat guy. > > --Lee Poulsen > Pasadena, California, USA - USDA Zone 10a > Latitude 34°N, Altitude 1150 ft/350 m > > _______________________________________________ > pbs mailing list > > > > _______________________________________________ pbs mailing list