Clinanthus nomenclature confusion

Rimmer deVries
Fri, 12 Jun 2015 07:50:18 PDT
I noticed that over the past 12 months the PBS Wiki has changed the listing synonyms for Clinantus incarnatus and Clinanthus vereigatus.

currently the wiki has the bright yellow, red and peach forms with the strapped shaped smooth glaucous leaves listed as:
Clinanthus incarnatus <> (syn. Stenomesson incarnatum (Kunth) Baker 1871) 

and the larger plant with the wider green and somewhat channeled leaves that needs a dryer growing environment listed as: 
Clinanthus variegatus <> (syn. Stenomesson variegatum) is native to Peru.

previously they were listed as  Clinanthus incarnatus <> (syn. Stenomesson variegatum)  and Clinanthus variegatus (syn. Stenomesson incarnatum (Kunth)  which was extremely confusing, switching both surnames and epitaphs.  But these former listings are mimicked elsewhere on the web.  

i was wondering if someone with access to the 2000 study by Alan Meerow, CHARLES L. GUY and QIN-BAO LI, SI-LIN YANG "Phylogeny of the American Amaryllidaceae based on nrDNA ITS sequences", in Systematic Botany that split the Stenomesseae Tribe into two separate groups and resurrected name of Clianthus to be used for the species that have lorate, or strap-shaped leaves and Stenomesson for the species that had petiolate, or stalked, leaves could recheck these names and put a discussion comment on the wiki.

Thank you

Rimmer deVries
SE MI Zone 5
 where Clinanthus variegatus <> ( the larger plant with the wider and channeled leaves that needs a dryer growing environment is is bloom now. 

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