This group has some of my favorite Oregon wildflowers in it. Here in Rogue River in Southwestern Oregon the season starts with Dichelostemma capitatum. Long after they have set seed we get Dichelostemma congestum, Triteleia hendersonii (and others), and finally Brodiaea elegans. Dichelostemma congestum is the most common, and appears to have a high tolerance for summer wet. I've seen it attain heights of over three feet in rich soil, but they need the support of other plants (in the wild it's usually tall grass) or they tend to flop and curve around. The seeds of the species mentioned look superficially like those of Allium, and have been easy to start if sown the same way. I sowed seed last Autumn just scratched into the surface of the soil in a 4" pot and got nearly 100 percent germ in the Spring. The pot was left out in the Winter, open to the elements. The seedlings are just now going dormant and I've ceased watering. I've transplanted a few mature bulbs, Dichelostemma being the easiest and flowering well the following year. Triteleias have been fickle, showing no signs of growth for an entire year, then surprising me by flowering the year after that (two years after transplant). Anyone else experience that sort of thing? Travis Owen Rogue River, OR