Bulbous Corydalis species

Peter Taggart petersirises@gmail.com
Mon, 08 Jun 2015 23:50:14 PDT
yes I have a collection. As Bob Nold writes, most are supposed to be self
infertile. I may have had more than one clone, but I think that there was
only one when I too had self sown seedlingsof C ruksanii, I also had a
seedling of C nudicaulis appear where I had had only one clone.  The
Leontocoides do cross with each other however, and I try to seperate some
species to prevent this. Seed which is not sown freshly is unlikely to
germinate.   I have had a seedling germinate three years after sowing. The
seed was six months old, the only other seed to germinate in that pot came
up soon after sowing.
Peter (UK)

On 9 June 2015 at 05:51, penstemon <penstemon@q.com> wrote:

> Does anyone have any experience growing bulbous Corydalis or have a
> collection of same?  I’ve tried seed from seed exchanges over and over
> again with no luck.  So far my only success has been with C. solida ‘George
> Baker’, which I bought at a plant sale.
> I think corydalis seed is short-lived. In the garden here, regular C.
> solida and also C. angustifolia produce millions of viable seeds every
> year. The many named varieties of C. solida have not produced seedlings
> here, that I’ve noticed, anyway.
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