Dear Friends, Rimmer must have a very good spot. There are a number of trillium web groups from Facebook to Yahoo that have been around for years. IN GENERAL Western US Trillium species do not do well (survive) E. of the Rockies and the reverse. Many of both US groups do well in England, Netherlands and other parts of Europe. Sending this species to the E. US seems somewhat wasteful. And a couple of the Trillium groups already have regular annual seed exchanges for enthusiasts. Trillium seeds do not ‘like’ to dry out and are IN GENERAL should be shipped in barely damp moss. Given the proper handing and treatment they germinate readily, but may take up to seven or more years to produce their first bloom. There are exceptions. Best Jim W. > On Jul 13, 2015, at 10:21 AM, Rimmer deVries <> wrote: > > Trillium kurabayashi grows fine in clay in the shade in SE Michigan near Ann Arbor. > > Rimmer > SE MI > Zone 5 (winter 2015 was a zone 4 winter but 20” or more inches of persistent snow cover January to March) James Waddick 8871 NW Brostrom Rd Kansas City, MO 64152-2711 USA Phone 816-746-1949