Crinum - 'Super Ellen'

Tim Eck
Thu, 16 Jul 2015 14:12:18 PDT
I think Jim Shields found C. variabile to be as hardy for him as bulbispermum and he created hybrids of the two.  Plant Delights had them but may not offer them.  
I don't think scabrum is very hardy but its cross with bulbispermum (Herbertii) is fairly hardy (6B?).  I lost a lot of Herbertii to a cold winter this year.  
Cold and wet will kill a lot of things - so you can effectively gain two zones by raking leaves over them in the fall and covering with plastic.
I have crosses of bulbispermum and variabile with lots of others like hardyi, ligulatum, lavranii, macowanii, firmifolium, carolo-schmidtii, fimbriatulum, oliganthum, erubescens, and some hybrids that should be hardy to zone 6 or 7.

Tim Eck
When a philosopher says something that is true, then it is trivial. When he says something that is not trivial, then it is false.

> -----Original Message-----
> From: pbs [] On Behalf Of Ernie DeMarie
> via pbs
> Sent: Thursday, July 16, 2015 8:09 AM
> To:
> Cc:
> Subject: Re: [pbs] Crinum - 'Super Ellen'
> Hi Jim,
> It may take a year or two for my Super Ellen to get to blooming size, but I am
> definitely excited about its potential.  Are there other hybrids/species you
> have found to be very cold tolerant in your experience that I should be
> looking for? No one up here is growing crinums, at least that I know of.
> Ernie
> Briarcliff Manor NY Z7ish/6
> ----
> Dear Ernie and all,
> 	Crinum x powellii album is far superior from typical x powellii. Very
> hardy here and reliable even in drought years. Takes a few years to settle in.
> 	I really have to put in a HUGE plug for 'Super Ellen’. The old ‘Ellen
> Bousanquet’ is not hardy here at all. A couple years and then a cold winter
> gets it. I’ve had 'Super Ellen' for a number of years .Now the flower stalks are
> at eye height ( 6 ft + or -), huge richly colored flowers and long lasting. At one
> time this season I had a dozen stalks in the clump in bloom all at once. WOW.
> 	Came through cold and heat equally well, but give it a lot of room.
> Leaves splay out 6 or more feet in each directionamd huge flower stalks. I
> LOVE IT and heartily recommend it.
> 	Give it some room and time- some extra
> water now and then and fertilizer and you will hopefully be thrilled too. Hard
> to believe this is a totally hardy perennial here in Kansas City on the prairie.
> 			Jim W.
> >
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