Trillium kurabayashi seeds

Diana Chapman
Sun, 12 Jul 2015 11:10:31 PDT
I would love some Kathleen.  I am in northern California not far from 
where they grow (although I have never seen them in the wild).

> My Trillium kurabayashi plants flowered for the first time, and set seed this year. Dozens per pod. Many more seeds than I can use. The seeds that became these plants came from NARGS about 8 years ago, and all plants have dark red flowers and well mottled leaves. My question is this:  is there enough interest in growing this species among PBSers to send the extra seeds to the seed exchange?
> This species is native to SW Oregon and NW California, growing in rich deep moist soils with lots of organics. I plan to put it out in the wettest part of my garden, in partial shade.
> As for growing trilliums in pots:  I switched to styrofoam fish boxes several years ago to start native PNW plants from seed, and have been impressed with how much larger, and vigorous plants are. I suspect cooler roots are key to this success.
> Kathleen
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