Boraginaceae added to PBS wiki

Nhu Nguyen
Fri, 20 Feb 2015 09:10:16 PST
This conversation appears once in a while, and of course there are
different opinions, a lot of them quite strong. Believe it or not, we have
actually removed a number of genera and species over the years that we
thought was too far even for our lax criteria. Behind the scenes when Mary
Sue was leading us, she and I would have lengthy conversations about what
to include, what to exclude how to proceed. Those conversations with me and
other wiki admins could be combined into a hefty book. It is not in public,
doesn't mean that we don't think long and hard on these issues.

The matter of fact comes down to this. People who actively contribute to
the wiki must be given the freedom to feel that they're doing something
worthwhile -- and adding something that they're excited about is what keeps
them contributing. I and other wiki admins have asked and begged over the
years for contributors, but only once in a while someone shyly raise their
hands. We do what we must to keep those rare contributors!

Despite the wish for a strict sense of "bulb" or "geophyte", our inclusion
of other genera that don't quite fit anywhere else has created yet another
dimension that enriches the content of the most widely used plant sites in
the world. As plant societies shrink and loose members, we cannot afford to
exclude others that might be interested. One of the reasons the PBS is
healthy is because it is based on the founding idea of being inclusive,
rather than exclusive as in the IBS of old. We respect suggestions and
ideas from members and we do not condemn those who wish to give us
constructive criticism. We do our best to implement and balance input from
our membership.

Nhu Nguyen
PBS President & Wiki Administrator

On Fri, Feb 20, 2015 at 10:11 AM, Alberto <> wrote:
 that anyone can add whatever he pleases and the uploaded info cannot be
removed, this is the nature of the wiki.

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