eBay bulbs

Bulborum Botanicum bulborum@gmail.com
Wed, 01 Apr 2015 01:17:26 PDT
Hi Diana

Open a new Ebay account with a new email address
For example telosrarebulbsNew@gmail.com
Normally your problems are over then

R de Boer
2238 Route de la Maugardiere

Phone./Fax 0033-232-576-204
Email:   bulborum@gmail.com
Facebook groups:///https://www.facebook.com/groups/bulborum
Facebook Page: https://facebook.com/pages/Bulborum/…

2015-03-31 14:48 GMT+02:00 Diana Chapman <telosrarebulbs@suddenlink.net>:
> If anyone is buying bulbs from me on eBay, please send any questions or
> requests you might have to me directly, not through eBay.  All eBay messages
> to me are blank.  I have tried to work with eBay on this and got so
> frustrated I hung up on them.  They basically told me I have to fix it
> myself, it's not their problem.  So, if you send a message through eBay, I
> get a blank message.  I also get blank messages when the bulbs sell.  I only
> know who the buyer is when I get a payment through Paypal.  Arrrgh!!!
> Diana
> Telos
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