Responding to Dell's BX messages

Mary Sue Ittner
Tue, 21 Apr 2015 07:39:44 PDT
When Dell sends out a BX offering he asks people to respond to him 
privately. When they reply to the list, it generates a response to 
the list so everyone sees it, including their address if it is 
included which then gets archived and becomes searchable. If they 
haven't deleted the BX offerings those get included as well. Since 
the messages Dell gets are not filtered, an automatic reply goes out 
to the list again that he has received the order. Since this includes 
the message from the person ordering which might include the whole BX 
offering, it can be very long. The same is true if someone asks him a 
question (on the list) about membership without changing the subject 
heading. His response goes to everyone. This confuses people because 
they don't understand why they are getting what look like a private 
message. The solution is for people to respond to him privately.

With the relatively new seed exchange people responding to the list 
were going to be the last to have their order filled. I don't know if 
that worked as  motivation to learn how to respond privately which is 
easier on some email programs than others. But perhaps it is 
something Dell could consider as well.

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