Zephyranthes atamasco in North Carolina

Nicholas plummer nickplummer@gmail.com
Tue, 28 Apr 2015 06:12:03 PDT
I'm no taxonomist, but if the wiki is correct, they are not the same.
According to the wiki, Z. drummondii is from Texas, New Mexico, and
Mexico.  Z. atamasco is found in the southeastern US, north to Virginia.

Z. atamasco flowers open during the day.  I've never seen Z. drummondii,
but supposedly they open at night.


On Tue, Apr 28, 2015 at 8:57 AM, Rimmer deVries <rdevries@comcast.net>

> Nice
> Are these the same as Zeph. Drummondii?
> Rimmer
> sE Mi
> _

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