I have measured the amount of DNA per nucleus in many genera. Often I found that the difference between the species of a genus is a factor of 1.5 to 3. However I have always wondered about the following: Scilla siberica has 75 pg of DNA per nucleus Chionodoxa siehei has 8.7 pg (THe pink form is larger.triploid and has 13. pg) This is a factor 9 difference between scilla and chionodoxa????? This makes me wonder about the conclusions of the DNA barcoding. Ben zonneveld -- BJM Zonneveld Naturalis, Herbarium section Postbox 9517 Darwinweg 2, 2300RA Leiden The Netherlands Email: ben.zonneveld@naturalis.nl <Ben.Zonneveld@naturalis.nl>, telf 071-7517228