Have You Noticed More Critter Damage This Year?

Cynthia Mueller cynthiasbulbs@hotmail.com
Fri, 24 Apr 2015 08:05:09 PDT
Nick, I often wonder what folks are referring to when they say "voles." To you, are they rodents larger than mice but smaller than rats? Do they have haired, or naked, long tails? Most people see the damage on plants, and possibly burrows near greenhouses, but never actually catch anything.

Cynthia W Mueller

> On Apr 24, 2015, at 9:45 AM, Nicholas plummer <nickplummer@gmail.com> wrote:
> Like some others on the list, I had to resort to a deer fence to grow
> anything.  After a lot of work, I think I have finally managed to exclude
> bunnies by running wire rabbit fence along the bottom of the deer fence and
> filling the gaps around the gates.  For the first time in several years, my
> liliums and Muscari haven't been nibbled as they emerge.
> That just leaves the effing voles to deal with. Every day, I seem to notice
> more new holes.  Our cats stay indoors unless they are on a leash (coyotes
> in the neighborhood), so its up to  the local snakes and owls to deal with
> them.  They aren't doing enough.
> Which reminds me:  I have some Eucomis bulbs to plant.  Do voles eat them?
> If so, I'll put a lot of permatill in the holes.
> Nick
>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 8:55 AM, Anne McNeil <amcdeubner@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Deer have also eaten my azaleas and viburnums and tasted all sorts of other
>> things, though they are leaving my roses untouched!
>>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 5:54 AM, Anne McNeil <amcdeubner@gmail.com> wrote:
>>> I have more underground critters eating things they never touched before.
>>> I am attributing this to the coyotes killing cats around my area, who
>>> usually catch the gophers, moles and voles.  I hope your wrist is right
>> now
>>> and you can continue healing well.  It is no fun to have to work around
>>> injuries!
>>> On Fri, Apr 24, 2015 at 5:28 AM, Judy Glattstein <jgglatt@gmail.com>
>>> wrote:
>>>> Some bulbs always get eaten - tulips. Some seemingly never get eaten -
>>>> narcissus. This year, even though snow is gone and flowers are hurling
>>>> themselves into bloom (and quickly vanishing again) I'm seeing some
>>>> munching on plants I would no expect.
>>>> Anemone - either A. flaccida and / or A. nemorosa 'Vestal' (they've run
>>>> together.) Non-bulbous - Rhododendron yakusimanum has fuzzy undersides
>> to
>>>> leaves. Deer never ate - until this year.
>>>> Anyone else seen his sort of thing?
>>>> Judy in New Jersey where we've flip-flopped from oddly high 78 degree F.
>>>> weather back to the more normal 50s
>>>> Still the grumpy left-handed, one-fingered typist - orthopedist didn't
>>>> like how my wrist had "settled." So after 28 days of knitting together
>> he
>>>> "unraveled" the bones and put in pins. Today is my first post-op visit.
>> I'd
>>>> cross my fingers for a good report but with only one working hand I have
>>>> none to spare
>>>> ---
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