Flower photography organization

Paul LICHT plicht@berkeley.edu
Sun, 12 Apr 2015 08:17:36 PDT
The botanical garden has about 20 gb of images but we never got around to a
sophisticated storage system. Instead, for years, I have been happily using
PICASA, a google freeby.(https://picasa.google.com/).   You can store
images in as many folders as you want, but the beauty is you can instantly
search by a lot of different criteria; I use  name most of the time. The
program allows you to import (eg., from directly camera), move photos,
export, print, and email. It also has good cropping and color manipulation.
Best of all, it's FREE.


Paul Licht, Director
University of California Botanical Garden
200 Centennial Drive
Berkeley, CA 94720

On Sun, Apr 12, 2015 at 12:18 AM, Peter Taggart <petersirises@gmail.com>

> My pictures are stored chronologically too, I just search within  the whole
> of my pictures for a name or part name. I can add a year, month or date to
> the search. The biggest problem is if I don't name the pictures, which
> means searching by date only.
> Peter (UK)
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