Moraea villosa corms

Michael Mace
Wed, 29 Apr 2015 08:59:55 PDT
Sarah wrote:

> I just received some small corms of Moraea villosa from the BX.  Can you
please advise me on the best way to treat them now (Seattle spring), until
they start into growth in the fall?

I think they don't need to be potted right now. Don't bake them in the sun,
but it's safe to leave them in a cool dry place and pot them up in late
September or so, when you can start watering them.

If you do pot them up now, make sure the soil is completely dry, otherwise
the corms could suffer from mildew.

Once they start growing they'll need a lot of light and good variation
between daytime and night-time temps (when I grow them here they go from the
40s F or lower at night to the 60s F or higher during the day). They'll
tolerate light frost overnight but not a prolonged freeze.

Have fun with them!

San Jose, CA

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